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山城蜀香,于4月18日在新加坡/线上平台(Facebook/微信)面世了...感谢大家的关注与支持! 重庆人在新加坡15年了,正常情况下每年都会回去重庆老家2/3次陪陪父母!突发而来的疫情,让我们身在异国他乡的思乡人,连回家都成了奢望! 这次很多在国外的同胞们,不能回家的人应该也挺多的...我也是其中一个! 从来没有如此的想念家乡、想念家人和朋友、特别想念妈妈做的饭菜味儿...那是世上最好吃的美食!






The taste that Chongqing people like!

Shancheng Shuxiang, launched in Singapore/online platform (Facebook/WeChat) on April 18th...Thank you for your attention and support!

Chongqing natives have been in Singapore for 15 years. Under normal circumstances, they would go back to their hometown in Chongqing to accompany their parents 2 to 3 times a year! The sudden outbreak of the epidemic has made us homesick in and hope to go home became an extravagant thought!

At this time, many of my compatriots here abroad, there should be a lot of people who cannot go home... I am one of them too!

I have never missed my hometown, my family and friends so much, especially the taste of my mother’s’s the best food in the world!

I went to Chongqing Bashu Chef Academy to learn cooking for a period of time, mainly sauces and small noodles; therefore, now I have started to create a brand with reminiscence of our hometown (Shancheng Shuxiang).

After about 1 year of preparation, I will now create the taste of my mother's dishes and what I had learned in the chef academy into the "Shancheng Shuxiang" brand of products. I hope you will like it, and hope to get a lot of comments, sharing and support from everyone! We will spare no effort to continuously improve!

Shancheng Shuxiang's dishes and sauces are handmade, no stocks, no additives, preservatives, and colorings!

Take healthy food! Your health is the most important thing for Shancheng Shuxiang!

Friends who like Chongqing and Fuling can also consult us about local related issues. We will try our best to answer your questions and help you!

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